About Me

My name is Brian Dowd. I live on Martha’s Vineyard, but I’m not here for celebrity sightings and the bustling summers. I’m here to take in the Island’s natural beauty of rolling farmlands, lush woodlands, and beautiful beaches. When I can, I bring my Mamiya RZ67 camera with me to capture the fantastic vistas.

I’m also an uncle and love experiencing the Vineyard through the wonder of my nephew and niece.

My love of reading helped to shape my career in writing. After working as an English teacher in China, I returned to the Vineyard to pursue my passion. I started with an internship at the Martha’s Vineyard Times and advanced quickly. My curiosity helped to fuel my rise to a full-time reporting job and eventually my responsibilities grew into an assistant editor position. When things needed to get done I raised my hand. At the start of the pandemic, my editor said, “We need a COVID czar” I eagerly raised my hand and our newspaper became the respected leader in providing up to the minute COVID updates.

In 2022, I switched gears and took a new career path into marketing. I continued to write with passion about people exploring new chapters of their lives in retirement. I learned how to build a brand, how to optimize content for digital search, and be a leading member of the marketing team.

Whether it was the fantasy trilogy I wrote in elementary school, investigating stories to educate my community as a reporter, or interviewing a World War II veteran as a content writer, my passion for storytelling has been with me my entire life.


Bachelor of Arts, English, Suffolk University, Boston, MA 


Brand Storytelling Certification, Cornell University

SEO Certification, Hubspot


New England Newspaper & Press Association (NENPA)

  • 2018, 2019, 2020 Newspaper of the Year
  • Transportation Reporting
  • Editorial